Thursday, July 14, 2011

KarKar -- List Fifty Two

I know I have been avoiding
this blog for quite a while, 
stressing over what would
be the perfect ending to 
this blog. Searching for 
the last thing I wanted 
to mention I was grateful 
for in this year of gratitude,
and then it hit me.


Because of the classic (or
is it cliche? I find that they're
often very close,) saying 
"When one door closes, 
another one opens." 

Recently a lot of doors 
have closed for me, but
when I take a moment 
and look around, there 
are so many open doors
it's a little dizzying trying
to decide which ones
I want to step foot
through first.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

KarKar -- List Fifty

G r A d U a T I o N !
(unfortunately, I didn't get a picture with all of my sisters, which is kinda sad, but oh well )

Saturday, May 21, 2011

KarKar -- List Fourty Eight

I c e    C r e a m
because it's tied to so many
fond memories like . . .
- birthdays
- my grandmas
- hot summers
- chemistry class
- getting firewood
- swimming
- friends 
- and many more.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

KarKar -- List Fourty Seven

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

KarKar -- List Fourty Six

Parsley and Suds
Our new friends that we made
on our fifteen and half mile
bike ride this morning. :)