Saturday, July 31, 2010

Work, Transportation, Help

I was recently hired as a cook at Boondocks. I've worked a couple of shifts and am loving it so far. I cut my finger open within my first few minutes of work while cutting pizza dough, but it is turning out to be a really good experience.

This is my cousin, Jack. He's 3 years old and LOVES pirates. I have been babysitting him four days a week for three weeks now. I have loved getting to spend time with this little guy. He says the funniest things. I am not able to babysit him as often now that I am working at Boondocks, but I am still grateful for the chance to watch him.


Because of my job at Boondocks, I can now afford to insure my van. While the Purple People Eater (not really pictured here, this is just one like it), is not really a good car, I am really glad to be back out on the road. It's been over a year since I totaled the Civic and since then I haven't really driven much. Now I am able to get from place to place on my own.

 Without my step-dad, Bill, I wouldn't even be able to drive my car. I probably wouldn't even know what was wrong with it. As it is, my van leaks steering fluid and whatever it is that needs to be fixed is way back in the car and not easily fixed. So Bill has been putting new fluid into my car every day so that I can get to and from work on my own. I really appreciate that.

Abby - week 6

Friday, July 30, 2010

KarKar -- List Six



All these immediate 
things that help us feel
not so   a l o n e 
all the time.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I heard some sad news about a friend the other day. She lost her mom to cancer just days before her 17th birthday. Upon hearing the news my friends and I decided that we needed to do something for her. Everything about that situation, and that whole night in general, gave me things to be grateful for.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Linz - Week Five

Friends: They are the ones who are there for you when your sad upset, or going through a really hard time. They help you through this huge journey of life. They are some of the most important people in your life. If you have good friends and a loving caring family what more could you ask for.

 FYI: Just because your not on here doesn't mean your not my friend! lol! <3

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010


This week I have thought about so many different lists of things that I could put in this post. I could write a list about being a nanny to my little cousin, Jack. I could write a list about my mom and my sisters. I could write a list about school or being on the newspaper staff. Right now, though, as I sit here watching Tuck Everlasting, and earlier, as I was watching my littlest cousins play in the pool in my grandma's backyard, I find myself being grateful for memories.

I am so incredibly lucky to have the life that I have. Everyday, I wake up in a bed that my mom bought me, in a bedroom that I have to myself, in a house that is provided by my amazing parents. I come downstairs to see my sisters whom I love and who love me. I look in the pantry and see that there is plenty of food for my breakfast (though I rarely actually eat breakfast.) When I need to go somewhere there is almost always someone available to drive me and when I come home there is a comfortable and welcoming home waiting for me.

There is so much that I often take for granted in my life. I try to take time to let my parents know that I appreciate them and all that they have done for my sisters and I, but I know that I don't do nearly as well or as much as I should. I have always had everything that I needed and wanted (within reason.) I have always been allowed to be a part of whatever activities caught my interest and my family has always supported me with everything I do. These things have provided me with so many wonderful memories that will last me a lifetime and everyday more are added to the list.

Abby - Week 4

Kar Kar took this picture of 3 of my favorite people in the world
(Only 3 of them though!) :)

KarKar -- List Four

Pirate Smiles ;)
- Eye Patch
- (Or Squinty Eyes)
- Slight Tilt of the Head
- Contagious Grin followed with
- "Arrrrrrrrrrgh Mateys!!"

Friday, July 9, 2010

KarKar -- List Three


We lraen from tehm
the hrad way, 

 but tehn we turn aornud
and taech ohtres
waht it is we hvae laenred.

Slily or Sreoius,
btoh are froigevn
and forogettn.

So shrae tehm,
luagh at tehm even,
but dno't let tehm brnig
you dwon.


Wtiohut tehm,
terhe wluod be no




We all know one. At least. They’re hilarious! They take a dull moment and make it fun! Or a fun moment and make it even more fun! I love all of my dorky friends and family. They make life fun (:

Linz - Week Three

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vacations - Week 3

I don't know what i'd do if i had no vacations/family trips. They bring us closer together. Make more memories. Share more laughs. This week i am grateful for vacations. I can't even count all the vacations i've gone on but there is a lot.


The ones that make you laugh, cheer you up when you're sad, and create and share memories. Who would you be without them? you would be no one. I am so grateful for them. I don't know what i would do without them. I guess Nothing. They are the things that make me happy, That wipe away my tears. They ARE my life. Love you guys! :)