Saturday, March 26, 2011

KarKar -- List Fourty

List 40 already? 
Only 12 more to go!
So I think now would 
be a great time to appreciate

This blog began with five of us, 
an idea from our mom to challenge
one another to post something here 
once a week, every week, for a year.

It was originally created for one of us
in particular, to help drag her out of a
depression and see that there is always 
something to be grateful for and live for.

It's easy to let a little thing like this blog
slip your mind when the real world is 
getting rather chaotic, I get that. 
That is exactly why I still try and keep up
with this challenge, and that is why I
am proud of how far each of my sisters
made it with this challenge. The fact 
that they did it at all represents their 
determination, and the fact that they 
have stopped doing it shows their
great determination simply 
lead them somewhere else. :)

Em did it for FOUR weeks,
Abby and Linzie both stayed
on top of it for EIGHT weeks, and 
Madi did it for TWELVE weeks.

Friday, March 25, 2011

KarKar -- List Thirty Nine

I missed
another week.
So now you get
two! Exciting, right?
No, not really.

This week I'm grateful for the
in nearly every situation. I will
always cheer for them because
it's exiting when they win, and it's
still a celebration when the don't.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

KarKar -- List Thirty Eight

C  o  m  p  r  o  m  i  s  e
m      Nobody will could possibly get
p       Everything they want, therefore
r       We must find a way between the
o       extremes, settle our differences
m      and compromise.
i                   Deal?
s                    :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

KarKar -- List Thirty Seven

B l o g s 
Because they give me a chance
to view the lives and thoughts of
strangers I would most likely 
never know otherwise. 
Because some of them are 
uplifting and inspirational and 
come from people who have 
something worth saying.
Because they are way to
waste time, procrastinate.
Because this blog is a place 
for me to stop and think of
at least one thing once a week
that I am thankful for. :)