Saturday, October 30, 2010

KarKar -- List Ninteen

H i s t o r y
 Although it's tedious to sit through a history class lecture
on things we have already learned and read about over and over since elementary,
it's important.
It's inspiring. 
Sometimes it even makes me feel more . . . 
real and connected.
In a way it slows down time 
as memories and stories rise to the surface, 
changing through the decades
but somewhere the truth remains. 
It's magic.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

KarKar -- List Eighteen

M a s c a r a 
F l o s s
Ask any girl about the mascara, (or several guys even,) it's almost a necessity!
The floss, on the other hand, is definitely a necessity.
Only this time it wasn't used to help someones
teeth feel minty fresh and squeaky clean.
Nope. This time I braided it into my sisters hair.
I think it looks pretty neato. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010