Saturday, January 22, 2011

KarKar -- List Thirty One

G a l l e r i e s
All week I have been
going to meetings every night
to collect the art from nine artists
and arrange them on the wall 
and figure out the lighting 
and everything with the 
Davis Arts Council 
Snow Horse Gallery Committee.
Tonight was the opening, 
and it was definitely bigger 
than I had imagined.
There was a ribbon cutting
for the opening of the first gallery
and there was live classical music
and candles and flowers 
on every table.
My art friends and I
all felt very happy to just
be there and soak it all in. 
Now it's time to start 
thinking about our next gallery
in May and what we can do better.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

KarKar -- List Thirty

S o c k s ! 
Because when they fit perfect,
they make that much of a difference.
You can tell a lot about
a person by their socks. 
Like if they're long, short,
mix-matched, colorful, plain.
 Yeah, I'm a goof. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

KarKar -- List Twenty Nine

 H o n e s t y 

I'm not gonna lie
I completely spaced
last weeks list.

That's a first

However, I'll make it up
by doing two this weekend. :)
It's important to prioritize 
and I haven't let this blog
become a chore yet,
it's something I actually 
look forward to doing. 

Anyway, one thing my mom
has stressed ever since 
we were way little and 
couldn't look over the counter,
is that it is always better
to tell the whole truth,
even if you're bound 
to get in trouble.

She guaranteed us 
that if we lied about it,
we would be in even more trouble
and guess what guys!

She is right!

I'm pretty sure this rule
can be applied in every 
aspect of my life.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

KarKar -- List Twenty Eight

C h a l k 
and other new mediums,
subjects, or inspiration
that I use the hell out of 
until I move on to something else.