Monday, December 27, 2010

KarKar -- List Twenty Seven

H a r d w o r k 
that pays off. :)
This year has been difficult
in so many different ways, 
including the increase of drama
and lack of money
just in time for the most
pricey holiday of the year, 

I know there are
countless families out there, 
struggling much more than we do,
making sacrifices more draining 
then we can fully understand.
I get it, that it's tough to play Santa
and not get any of the credit,
but at the same time,
that's the beauty of it. 

Every year 
my mom worries 
about all her hard work
to give her family 
everything and more,
and every year 
she never fails
to blow us away

Not because she manages
to buy Cameras and Kindles
and other presents that we thought
we could only imagine as our own, 
but because she has taught 
each and every one of us
that it's not about the stuff 
we get underneath our artificial tree,
but the stuff we put beneath
someone elses.

The genuine smile,
those loving tears
the disbelief that someone
actually knew that was what 
they wanted when they never 
even said it out loud, or when
they didn't even know that
was what they wanted until
you gave it to them.
The thought that you 
gave them that happiness . . . 
even if you did sacrifice
a few months gas money,
that is one of the real
meanings of not just Christmas,
but life itself. 


Saturday, December 18, 2010

KarKar -- List Twenty Six

J e w e l e r y 
Not that wrists 
are not quite lovely
on their own, ( yes, I'm odd)
but I almost always have some
type of bracelet on my wrist.
Whether it's a cheesy 
friendship knot bracelet, 
a bracelet made out of 
wire, beads, and safety pins,
a personalized livestrong band
supporting a friend with cancer, 
or a bracelet just like the one 
I got for my birthday tonight
with charms stamped with each 
of my family's names.

Friday, December 3, 2010

KarKar -- List Twenty Four

D i f f e r e n t <3 F r i e n d s 

Art Friends
- where we teach each other
new ideas and techniques
while debating topics like 
whether Monsters Inc or Finding Nemo
is the best movie 
or like whether or not 
a person can actually change.

Set Design Trio 
- where we're the only ones
who ever do anything, 
so we're the only ones 
who are left in charge 
when the teacher is gone,
and where that leads to 
dramatic break-ups, make-ups 
and paint wars, not fights. 
The difference? 
Paint wars are with brushes. 
Paint fights are with hands. : ) 

Creative Writing Buddies
- where laughter 
and encouraging comments
are shared with 
occasional air hugs and hearts 
sent clear across the room.

Service Friends
- where we play 
and make a difference 
while talking about our latest interests, 
including guys, scholarships, 
and our senior trip to Alaska on the back of a giraffe. 

Old Pals
- where you're happily glomped
in the hallway between classes 
every now and then,
saying we need to catch up
but never planning it. 

New Peeps
- where you find out more and more
about each other every time, 
sometimes even a little too much.

Friday, November 26, 2010

KarKar -- List Twenty Three

T h a n k s g i v i n g , 
C h r i s t m a s , and other  
E n d    O f    Y e a r 
H o l i d a y s !

Because no matter 
how big or small, 
it doesn't make a difference.
They still bring together
friends and family, 
making each other realize
how much they
take for granted, 
and what we 
should really appreciate
in life. 
It's kind of like a 
reality check 
because for some people
they really only think
about what they're
grateful for 
once or twice a year.
Not to mention all
of the inside jokes 
and stories waiting
to be told in the
various chaotic rooms
of happiness
in the moment.
So, thank you 
end of year holidays,
for everything.
Photo taken by mom of my sisters and me on our way to our Grandmas for Thanksgiving. Left to Right: Abby, Ashley, Emily, Madi, Linzie, and me. :D <3 

Friday, November 19, 2010

KarKar -- List Twenty Two

T e a c h e r s  T h a t   C a r e <3
Or are just rockin' awesome.
They make a difference,
and I grateful for it.

Mr. Thompson - 9th English

Mr. Harris - Biology

Mrs. Marx - Ceramics, Shades

Mrs. Masters - 12th AP Studio Art 

Miss. Merrel - 12th English, Creative Writing, Shades

Saturday, November 13, 2010

KarKar -- List Twenty One

W o r k i n g   H a r d . . .
Because then I can say
I did my best,
and live my life,
with few regrets.

Also lovely mothers who buy
their frustrated daughters
mat board cutters,
because sometimes
working hard just
doesn't cut it.
(Haha, get it?!)

Oh, and one more thing,
"De-stress" gifts.
My aunt and grandma
came up with the idea
since I have my
sterling scholar interview
next week. :D
It made my day.
Not necessarily because
of what was in the bag,
but because they showed
that they cared, and
they had to work together
in the process. :) 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

KarKar -- List Ninteen

H i s t o r y
 Although it's tedious to sit through a history class lecture
on things we have already learned and read about over and over since elementary,
it's important.
It's inspiring. 
Sometimes it even makes me feel more . . . 
real and connected.
In a way it slows down time 
as memories and stories rise to the surface, 
changing through the decades
but somewhere the truth remains. 
It's magic.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

KarKar -- List Eighteen

M a s c a r a 
F l o s s
Ask any girl about the mascara, (or several guys even,) it's almost a necessity!
The floss, on the other hand, is definitely a necessity.
Only this time it wasn't used to help someones
teeth feel minty fresh and squeaky clean.
Nope. This time I braided it into my sisters hair.
I think it looks pretty neato. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

KarKar -- List Fourteen

E n t e r t a i n m e n t
At The Movies!
Everyone else went to get the seats,
while we waited for one more peep.
Happy Early Birthday Ab and Linz!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

KarKar -- List Thirteen

S p o n t a n e o u s - n e s s 
1. It's good for you.
2. It's good for others.
3. It keeps life interesting.
4. It can be inspiring.

Plus, you never know how it will end.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

List 12

Yesterday, we got to spend the day with our dad. I can never get enough of those days that are now so few and far between. I am so grateful for them, though.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rubber Bands!

I have started a collection of these. I have dinosaurs, a sword, a parrot, a horse, and a bunch of Toy Story 3 rubber bands in various colors. I know it's weird to be grateful for rubber bands, but I like how this trend is creating conversation between people in school who wouldn't normally talk to each other. The question "what shapes do you have?" accompanied with a gesture to someone else's wrist is now fairly common. Before these rubber bands were popular, that would have sounded extremely strange.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Fall is my favorite time of year. It always means a new school year and I love the colors of the season. Coming back to school is something I have always loved. The beginning of every year leaves me feeling like there are so many possibilities for the year to come. This year, that is especially true. Carley and I graduate this year. That just screams potential to me.

I also love seeing my friends, again. I don't really hang out with my friends during the summer. There are exceptions to that, one or two people that I actually spend time with when school is out. So school starting is always exciting for me because I get to see all the people that I have missed over the summer and we get to talk and catch up.

I love it.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

KarKar -- List Ten

T h e   H u n g e r   G a m e s
(and other good reads I come across in my life!)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

List 9

There is nothing better than good conversation. I love just sitting down somewhere and talking to people. Whether it be at home with my mom and other family or at school with my best friend, I enjoy spending time sitting with people and getting to know their thoughts a little bit better.

Friday, August 20, 2010

KarKar -- List Nine

C a r - E- Oke

1. Right, Madi. I am tone deaf.

2. Yes, Linzie. I was taking a video. :)

3. So Brecky-boo thinks she can dance! 

4. Your F A C E !

5. Nom, nom, nom!

6. Don't let mom know how 
dirty the back windows
have gotten. : /

7. Oh. Hi mom! <3

8. Hey, look! There's Abby and Ella! 
No hiding from MEEEEEEE.

9. You have to love the realization that I was filming 
myself in the mirror more than anyone else.
Hahaha. Yes, I am a goof.

10 . . . and Emily owes me a new camera
because she can't control her 
digital eating habits.

11. N O M ! ! !

Friday, August 13, 2010

Abby - Week 8



Gotta love it, right? I got my first paycheck this week... And basically all of it is already spent... Plus some that I don't even have yet.

But I am grateful that my bank account now shows that I have more than $0.42, even if it's an illusion.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Love...

This girl:

Carley was my first best friend. We have grown up together in a way that not many people get to (Although, I do know a freakish amount of twins...) It also just so happens that after writing this blog I was feeling kinda sad. Then Carley was all happy, trying to link her arm with mine (and FAILING) and just being my friend. She really cheered me up.

Plus, our final year of high school starts in two weeks. I am sooo excited and have been for a while, but Carley is beginning to be more excited as well. I cannot wait to experience this awesome year with her. We are going to be doing so many exciting things (including turning 18 in December!)

So this week I am grateful that I am lucky enough to have a twin sister, specifically that I am lucky enough to have Carley for a twin sister.

We've come a long way, Kar Kar.

KarKar -- List Seven

S u n f l o w e r s

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Linz - Week Seven

Chocolate Chip Pancakes!!!!

Change where it isn't Normally found

Food coloring.

It really is quite the legitimate liquid. And it's very happy-making. I mean, seriously, pancakes are bland in color, bread is always the same, cookies are always a shade of brown, and cupcakes always look how they taste. Even pudding can be affected by the legitimacy of food coloring!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Work, Transportation, Help

I was recently hired as a cook at Boondocks. I've worked a couple of shifts and am loving it so far. I cut my finger open within my first few minutes of work while cutting pizza dough, but it is turning out to be a really good experience.

This is my cousin, Jack. He's 3 years old and LOVES pirates. I have been babysitting him four days a week for three weeks now. I have loved getting to spend time with this little guy. He says the funniest things. I am not able to babysit him as often now that I am working at Boondocks, but I am still grateful for the chance to watch him.


Because of my job at Boondocks, I can now afford to insure my van. While the Purple People Eater (not really pictured here, this is just one like it), is not really a good car, I am really glad to be back out on the road. It's been over a year since I totaled the Civic and since then I haven't really driven much. Now I am able to get from place to place on my own.

 Without my step-dad, Bill, I wouldn't even be able to drive my car. I probably wouldn't even know what was wrong with it. As it is, my van leaks steering fluid and whatever it is that needs to be fixed is way back in the car and not easily fixed. So Bill has been putting new fluid into my car every day so that I can get to and from work on my own. I really appreciate that.

Abby - week 6

Friday, July 30, 2010

KarKar -- List Six



All these immediate 
things that help us feel
not so   a l o n e 
all the time.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I heard some sad news about a friend the other day. She lost her mom to cancer just days before her 17th birthday. Upon hearing the news my friends and I decided that we needed to do something for her. Everything about that situation, and that whole night in general, gave me things to be grateful for.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Linz - Week Five

Friends: They are the ones who are there for you when your sad upset, or going through a really hard time. They help you through this huge journey of life. They are some of the most important people in your life. If you have good friends and a loving caring family what more could you ask for.

 FYI: Just because your not on here doesn't mean your not my friend! lol! <3

Sunday, July 18, 2010