Friday, November 26, 2010

KarKar -- List Twenty Three

T h a n k s g i v i n g , 
C h r i s t m a s , and other  
E n d    O f    Y e a r 
H o l i d a y s !

Because no matter 
how big or small, 
it doesn't make a difference.
They still bring together
friends and family, 
making each other realize
how much they
take for granted, 
and what we 
should really appreciate
in life. 
It's kind of like a 
reality check 
because for some people
they really only think
about what they're
grateful for 
once or twice a year.
Not to mention all
of the inside jokes 
and stories waiting
to be told in the
various chaotic rooms
of happiness
in the moment.
So, thank you 
end of year holidays,
for everything.
Photo taken by mom of my sisters and me on our way to our Grandmas for Thanksgiving. Left to Right: Abby, Ashley, Emily, Madi, Linzie, and me. :D <3 

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