Sunday, February 13, 2011

KarKar -- List Thirty Four

B e i n g   M e

That's right.
I think everyone
should be proud 
of themselves, 
and I have worked 
rather hard to get here.

There are days where
I feel like some kind
of mutant loser,
of course.
That's human,
but when I stop
and take a look at
my life and my progress,
even when I feel kind of
lost and beaten down by 
all the things going on
right now, and 
I realize yet again
that I have changed.

I may not have a 
full-ride to college 
handed to me, but 
I know that I can work
my way through it 
with unconditional love
and support.

I may not have the
best of friends who
I can talk to about 
everything and anything,
but I know the majority 
of people at my school
and I listen to so many 
different people everyday.
Whether it is about 
how there morning went
or their latest fight
with their parents
and even too much
information about their
own personal lives,
but I learn from them.
I am there for them. 

Just like I am there 
for my family.
Even when we 
aren't necessarily 
getting along, I know
I would drop everything
for anyone of them 
and be there for them.

I think of all my 
community service,
of all my accomplishments
and even failures, and
even if I haven't 
done my best, I know
that I can work 
even harder next time. 

I think
about all the choices 
I could have made and
all the different paths
they would have taken
me down. Of course 
I regret some, but 
more often than not now
I can say that I am 
proud of being me,
and that is a 
really good feeling.

Last but not least,
I think of all the people
that helped me get this far,
and I am thankful 
even the girl who told me
I did not belong in her group,
and then I turned around and
literally saved her life,
or the guy who told me
I belonged with him
and then never cared
to speak to me again,
and I often think about
writing them an anonymous
thank you letter, along
with stranger who smiled
at me as we passed 
on the sidewalk, 
and my mom for 
putting up with me
and trusting her 
instincts . . .
Oh, and my step-dad
who will never know
how much it meant
to me when he said
I was his little blonde.

Perhaps this blog
will do.

People are important
and you'd be surprised
how much of a difference
they can make.

Including yourself.

1 comment:

  1. YOU make a difference. Every single day. I adore you. And you are also MY little blonde. <3
